Showing posts with label development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label development. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Android Texture Optimization

tldr: We increased the terrain texture resolution for Android Big Mountain Snowboarding from 256 to 1024 by making some changes.

Colt McAnlis gave a talk at GDC on shrinking your png use in Android games that inspired me to go over some of our assets and code.  Our current setup is to use high res hardware compressed textures like pvr4 or dxt on platforms that have consistency, and use lower res uncompressed textures on platforms that do not.  For Big Mountain Snowboarding this means 2048x2048 textures on iOS and Windows are 256x256 on Android.  Sorry Android people!

Part of the size difference is because BMS is still supporting phones that no one uses.  When we originally released the game, phones didn't have enough texture memory to support the larger uncompressed textures.  This appears to not be the case anymore since we have released 4 newer maps with higher res textures without hearing many complaints.

However, file size of the apk prevents us from increasing the size of all maps.  We can't make all 16 maps be 1024x1024 without going over the 50 meg Google Play limit unless we make some changes to how we handle textures.

So at the start of this experiment, our assets folder is 32 megs, and the compressed apk is 33 megs.  We have some room to make the apk bigger, but not enough to increase the terrain resolution.  The first thing I tried was export for web from photoshop.

Export for Web:
8-bit pngs are not going to work.  These are very large pixels in world space due to the way we're handling terrain, so the banding is going to be very obvious.  It's hard to tell in that small image but it's there!  Using save for web with 24 bit pngs was not a big enough savings to worry about.

PNGCrush (lossless):
Using the option -reduce for lossless compression, the largest texture was reduced from 1469KB to 1344KB.  It's the right direction, but not really enough for me to increase the texture resolution.  Using -reduce -brute brought it to 1231KB.  I thought this might be enough to do a (time consuming) full run on all the larger terrain png files to see what it does to the apk, and 2 textures later decided to look for better options. (lossy): is a site that provides free lossy compression of png files.  Here we are throwing away color information to favor a smaller disk size.  The site was able to reduce a 1.4 meg png down to 700k.
The difference is noticeable, which is unfortunate.  The unacceptable banding from the 8 bit version does not exist though!  Considering this amount of savings would let us increase the texture size of all maps I consider it worth it.  After a short meeting with our art director (me) and our tech director (me) where there was much arguing and throwing stuff, both departments agreed that it was a worthwhile change to make.

Doing this for all 4 of the large resolution maps brought our assets folder down to 21.9 megs (from 32), and our apk to 23 megs.

Parkinson's Law:
We now have approximately 27 megs to fill up!  Our older maps are using 256x256 textures on Android, and we have 12 of those.  A 1024x1024 mountain takes up about 2 megs of space, so it looks like we have room to bring all the old maps up to 2013.  Our pipeline lets us generate as much detail as we like but I can save time by starting with the OSX versions which are 2048x2048 and shrink them down.  With increased texture sizes our assets folder is 75 megs.  After compression the assets folder is 49 megs, which pushes our apk over the 50 meg limit.  Dropping the resolution of the two biggest maps brings us to 45 megs, but they are still higher resolution than the original game.

But what about the gpu?
None of this stuff matters on the gpu, where the textures will be uncompressed.  We've had some 1024x1024 maps on the market for a while without hearing about too many issues, so the phone quality of the average user has gone up a lot in 4 years.

I stuck in a breakpoint and all our png textures are loading as RGBA_8888.  Our big terrain textures would benefit a lot in memory size from being RGB_565.  The textures are 3 megs as uncompressed 32 bit and we have 4 of them per map.
     //bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(filestream);
     BitmapFactory.Options bmpOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
     bmpOptions.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
     bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(filestream, null, bmpOptions);
 According to my breakpoints, this code loads in all non-alpha textures as 16 bit, which seems to look ok.  If it doesn't look ok for some specific textures we'll have to add a way to disable the code.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Cross platform SDK cheat sheet


Build C++
Navigate to directory where the jni/ file is (there may be multiple projects -- do them in order of dependency).
Type into Terminal:

Get Crash Log Info:
Type into Terminal:

~/src/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb pull /data/anr/traces.txt .
This will put crash info into traces.txt

Determine where are a crash is in C++:
android-ndk-r7b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line -C -f -e 000708e6

Export a signed android apk:
Right click on the project in eclipse
Go to “Android tools”
Click export signed apk
Uninstall builds from device, and then use adb to install the signed apks for testing

Install a signed android apk:
~/src/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb install SWNookTab.apk


Create a pvr texture
Download PVRTexTool from
From the command line use:
/Applications/PVRTexTool/PVRTexToolCL/MacOS_x86/PVRTexTool -f OGLPVRTC4 -i alley1icon.png -m -yflip0 -o ../GHBowlingiOS/alley1icon.pvr


Record a video
Go to applications and launch quicktime player
Run the mac build and resize the window to whatever
Quicktime menu bar: file, new screen recording
Click the little down arrow next to the record button to make it use microphone
Click the record button and choose record part of the screen.
Drag over the app window
Click record.

Touch all files in a directory
find . -exec touch {} \;

Get into Sandbox mode in GameCenter

Submit a new binary
In dev studio, Product->archive.
When that build finishes, organizer shows up.
Click the new binary in organizer, and click distribute.
Select Mac App Store
Log in to itunes connect when prompted
Select the application.  You must have already set the app to ready for upload on the web site.

To fix “does not contain a single-bundle application” error
From Tim Swast on stackexchange: “Turns out it is an issue with dependent projects in XCode 4. If this happens to you, go through the Build Settings for all your dependent projects (e.g. static libraries) and make sure that the "Skip Install" option under "Deployment" is set to YES.”

To get a receipt during development:
1) Sign the app with a development provisioning profile (not retail)
2) Make the app exit(173); from main.
3) Run the app once from finder (not from xcode)


Make a DDS file
contrib/texconv.exe -f [format] -o [outputdirectory] [file]
for format, use BC3_UNORM for textures that have alpha, BC1_UNORM for opaque textures

Windows Phone

Add data file(s) to the project (the C# project)
-Make an empty folder in the project to put the file(s) into initially
-Select Add -> Existing Item on the empty folder
-Multiselect all files you wish to add.
-Next to the “Add” button, click the arrow, select “Add as Link”
-Multiselect all the files in the previously empty folder. Right click and select “Properties”
-Set “Copy to Output Directory” to “Copy if Newer” Close the properties window
-Drag the files to the actual folder that the game will be looking for them in (ex: SB in the SBPhone project)

Data file Protip for the WinPhone C# project editor: Let the editor help you pick the right version of the files.
If you are including files that are versioned across platforms, add the highest priority folder first. EG: Add files from the SBWinPhone directory, then the SBWin8 directory, then the SBMac directory, then the SBIphone directory.
When you drag from the dummy folder into the real folder, it will only copy items that do not already exist in the real folder. You can then remove the remaining items from the project.

Query memory use:
(use %llu with printf)


To install a pre-built binary:
You can deploy your signed bar file using the blackberry-deploy utility included in the bin folder.   Follow the instructions here:  Make sure the device is in developer mode.

./blackberry-deploy -installApp -password DEVICE_PASSWORD_HERE -device IP_ADDRESS_OF_DEVICE -package /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Downloads/Apps_for_the_Dev_Alpha/

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What happens in the final stage of development?

We're in the process of getting Trick Shot Bowling into the Windows 8 release.  Here are the notes of what we've done in the past month or so to get ready.

* Fix/check pin sound modulation
* Fix gray text
* Fix minimap arrows
* Make interrupt pause removal not add to the gui stack
* Fix touch input for throwing the ball
* Fix ad spacing issues with new admob
* (No repro) Fix sound delay
* Icons
* Sidebar pause menu
* High/low graphics settings with lower res reflection
* Prevent gutterball sound in the ball pit
* Tweak gutterball sound zone, possible to hit without leaving the lane.
* Prevent gutterball sound from continuing to play if you skip
* Portrait
* Make pins heavier
* Make a 4 player game, exit the app, restart the app, start a new game with 4 players without clicking any add/remove players buttons.  Scorecard only has a player name for player 1.
*Play halfway through a game. Going back to the main menu and starting a new game does not reset the scorecard.
*in trick shot mode, pins sometimes do not disappear from the alley (may be related to skip button in some cases)
*in trick shot mode (at least), pins sometimes are not fully stabilized at the beginning of a ball (may be related to skip button, less certain in this case) (may or may not happen only between balls in the same frame)
* Stop the gutterball sound when the ball hits the ballpit
* Have two players with different balls.  Bowl a trick shot game with second ball.  Exit. Start a new non-trick shot game.  Player 1 uses player 2’s ball.
* Throw a ball down the lane, wait for it to hit the ball pit and immediately bring up the pause menu, go to ball select, wait for the skip button to show up, and then go back.  You will get stuck on the skip screen.
* In the store, select a ball (other than the 8lb and 44lb balls) and resume the game. Go back to the store and select the ball that has the same weight as the previously selected ball. Note that the rotating display ball model has not changed. This bug is probably related to the fact that the two balls share the same ball model. - Entity properties not properly being applied when a duplicate mat is in the scene.
*ball changes color visibly in the back of the alley when the player for the next ball is using a different ball color
* Make a low graphics option that doesn’t draw at full screen
* Ball textures
* Second page of balls
* Make ball properties do stuff (spin, speed)
* Modify pin icon to include a dollar sign
* Make sensitivity slider
* User was having trouble with the input being too sensitive to use. The arrow may be resetting too quickly, making spin too hard for new players.
* “Press any key to skip” -- should say “Press a key or touch the screen to skip.”
* Make trick shot alley screenshot be of trick shot alley
* Make starting pins be 0
* Remove framerate counter
* Link to tutorial from pause.
* “Draw an arc” in tutorial -- fix too-literal wording
* DDS the ball textures and ball icons
* Remove IAP page from win8 menus
* It appears to be possible to make the guide arrows disappear in the tutorial. Repro steps unknown.
* Implement openURL
* Text background during tutorial has a little white line at the top
* Ball pricing
* Final score gui was only showing first 8 frames, and no player name.
* It is also possible for a player to be using one ball but show a different ball’s icon. I am not sure what the repro steps are yet. (might be related to per-frame per-ent stuff in the shader)
* Store screenshots
* Promo images