We're porting our in-house engine to VR! Namely to Oculus because they were generous enough to help us out with a development headset. This version of the engine is in use for one released game on iOS, Android, Windows Store, and OSX. It also has 2 in development games including one for Steam.
2D on-screen GUIs have worked for all other platforms we've ever worked on, but they don't work in VR. The images are too close to your face and cause a cross eyed view while looking around. The answer is to move the GUI out into the world. However, we don't want to have to make a whole new GUI system. Our existing system for loading and interacting with menus is fully implemented, working, and took an immense amount of time.
We introduced a new concept to our gui system we're calling a canvas. It's basically an output location for our 2d gui system. Each gui widget gets assigned a canvas via data inheritance.
class GHGUICanvasWe then moved the creation of transform for gui space (0-1) to screen space (-1 to 1 in d3d) from the shader to the CPU by using a per-object shader callback. If there's no canvas or it specifies 2d we just pass a simple guispace to screenspace converter transform. Otherwise we multiply offset, scale, rotation, position, and WorldViewProj together in that order and pass that to our gui vertex shader.
GHGUICanvas(bool is2d, const GHPoint3& pos, const GHPoint3& rot,
const GHPoint3& scale, GHMDesc::BillboardType bt);
bool is2d(void) const { return mIs2d; }
void createGuiToWorld(const GHViewInfo& viewInfo,
GHTransform& outTrans) const;
bool mIs2d; // projected to screen or not.
GHPoint3 mPos;
GHPoint3 mRot;
GHPoint3 mScale;
GHMDesc::BillboardType mBillboardType;
And the result:
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